You are here: About configuring the vault > About auditing vault activity > Configuring the audit log viewer > Adding an audit log property page

Adding an audit log property page

In a standard deployment of the audit log viewer, users can open the report by clicking View Audit Report on the Tools menu in PowerUser. The viewer opens in a new browser window with all records available and ready for the user to begin filtering or searching. This method is useful if users typically need to check the activity for sets of documents.

The audit log viewer can also be implemented as a document property page to show only the audit records for the current document. This method is useful if users typically need to check the activity for individual documents, not sets of documents.

To add an audit log property page:

  1. Confirm that the audit log viewer works correctly in its default configuration.
  2. In Meridian Enterprise Configurator, create a new property page that shows an external URL as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Configuration Guide.
  3. Type the following VBScript statement in Use external URL:

    "http://<ServerName>/WebExtensibilityDBViewer/AuditView.aspx?MachineName=<ServerName>&VaultName=<VaultName>&HideHeader=1&ObjectID=" & Document.ID

    Where <ServerName> is the name of your web server and <VaultName> is the name of the vault where the documents reside for which you want to view the audit log.

    Note    To show the audit records for all documents, omit the &ObjectID parameter and the Document.ID property. The page will then show the same records as the View Audit Report command.

  4. Assign the page to the applicable document types as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Configuration Guide. Assign the page as a property page only, not as a wizard page.